Sign up by July 15th, Need guests info by Aug 1st
- 2 day Flighted Tournament
- Best NET Ball
- 6 teams per flight
- 5 total matches
- 1 pts per hole – 1 win, ½ tie, 0 lose
- 0 bonus points to winner or split if tied for each match
- Flight winner based on most points after 5 matches within flight
- If only 5 teams in flight, each team must play against Par with 90% of handicaps
- Shoot Out for all Flight Winners, Best 2nd place team and Best Sat performance
- Best Net Ball Shoot Out Winner
- Stroke off low handicap player in field
Hole format:
All play 11, 12 & 17 (total score) – Cut to 2 teams
If tie for 1st or 2nd after three hole aggregate, 100 yard chip off on 17 green.
Reset scores and top 2 play 17 - 1st time on 17 - Best net ball; 2nd/3rd/4th/etc - Combined Ball
Tees: MIXED Tees – Medal, Jones, Match, Sarazen or Forward tees based on qualifications
Time: Shotgun 9am Friday and Saturday
Entry Fee: $950 / team
- Closest to the Pin on Par 3’s per round
- Gross/Net Skins
- Tee Gifts
- Awards Dinner Saturday Night
- Spouses included
- Skills Challenge Awards – Chipping, Putting & Long Drive
- Shoot Out Winners Trophy
- Flight Winners trophy
- Hosted drinks from dinner Thursday night through dinner Sat night – Sodas, Juices, House Wine and Domestic Beer. All liquor and good wine on member account!
Special Notes:
- Field limited to a Maximum of 60 teams
- First 30 based on who signs up 1st
- Second 30 based who signs up from the MGA priority list
- ALL MUST SIGN UP by July 15th
- USGA Handicap required. If contestant does not have a USGA handicap they will need to sign up with WGC to establish a USGA handicap.
- Tie Breakers:
- 1st tie breaker is head to head match
- 2nd is score versus next place team in flight
Posting Scores: WGC will be posting scores from Thu, Fri and Sat.